This week, we continued our work on Module one. Last week I discussed about the importance of computing and internet skills. On the process of completing the module, I learned new skill which is preparing steps on how to download, searching for teaching aids and many more.
This week I would like to reflect on the importance of internet skills in education. The Internet has become an important tool for education . In order for students to be successful, they must have a global view of their future. The internet is one of, if not the most important, tool a person has to be successful in their future. It provides resources and communication all over the world. It is essential that children learn to use and learn from the Internet.
What Not To Do
It is also important that students know the dangers of not being safe on the Internet. You should have a discussion with them so they know they should never give out their personal information on the Internet. Also, if they do not feel safe, they should tell an adult right away.
Internet Resources
Students can use the Internet to find information or practice skills. Websites offer multiplication, math practice and homework help. Websites like National Geographic and Discovery Kids are great resources for students to learn about the world.
Learning to Browse
When students reach the middle and high school grades, they should have instruction on how to browse the Internet, for example using Google, to gain information. Also, show students how to use the Internet as a resource for information about colleges and jobs.
Internet Future
Globalization has introduced a widespread need for jobs that didn't exist five years ago. Students must learn about the Internet and come to the realization that it is the future of learning. This means it is creating opportunities through jobs, products and services that never existed before. In order to be successful, one must educate oneself on the Internet and what it holds in order to be prepared for their future.